To Space, Comrade!
the space race never ended in this cold war space exploration arcade game
To Space, Comrade! is a labor of love, created for the simple joy of building. What started as a pet project to keep me occupied for the winter turned into something much more important and fulfilling to me. I'm proud to say I built a game I didn't know I always wanted to play. I'm very excited for you to play it too.
boxart by Sam McKenzie // website // ig: ohnosam
I say, what better place to organize a Soviet worker state than the red planet?
In To Space, Comrade! you'll have a chance to do just that as you guide a flotilla of badass femme cosmonauts through the manifold hazards of space travel.
pixelart by Ray Schlitter // website // ig: rayslynyrd
To Space, Comrade! is cruel and unforgiving, not unlike space itself. Prepare to dodge asteroids, harvest comets, execute moles, outfox the sinister machines of a runaway capitalist military industrial complex, and spread little frozen corpses all throughout interplanetary space on your quest to radicalize Mars and her moons (I don't care if Mars, the mythological figure is a guy, all planets are girls).
To Space, Comrade! features a beefy responsive music and sfx engine. Every play through is accompanied by a unique space opera generated on the fly. Every time a cosmonaut updates you on their situation--perhaps they finally got around to repairing that busted fuel converter; perhaps they kicked the space bucket--data describing their condition is transmuted into musical content. Take a few minutes and listen to the auditory record of one particular journey between Phobos and Deimos.
To Space, Comrade! is now playable in a most formidable form: a full-fledged one-of-a-kind (for now) ARCADE CABINET. Look for it at arcades, bars, coffee shops and record stores around SLC.
To Space, Comrade! was developed in Processing (Java) and Pure Data.